Events and holidays

Events and holidays that you can experience on Vrångö.

Festivities and events organized by Vrångö’s companies and associations are organized all year round. Some coincide with major holidays and celebrations. Here we have collected special occasions that are extra exciting to be a part of. Welcome to a very special Vrångö experience!


Advent and Swedish "julbord" are so cozy on Vrångö. A few Saturdays in December, restaurant Ternan sets up a Swedish julbord with west coast specialities. This is something for those of you who want to experience Vrångö in winter, highly recommended!

New Year's Eve

Come to Kajkanten and celebrate New Year's Eve with a lobster & shellfish box delivered directly to your boathouse. Saunas and New Year's baths are usually popular!


When Easter comes to Vrångö, it's finally time to enjoy the first warming rays of springsun on the pier. Hamnkrogen Lotsen is open and there will be an opportunity to go on an Easter quiz walk and see the mighty Easter bonfire.


It can hardly be more summer than midsummer on Vrångö. Midsummer celebrations at Vrångö offer exactly what you could wish for, midsummer pole, dance, music, coffee, lottery and fun competitions. Celebrate Midsummer Eve with us!

Are you able to swim?

Weekdays during week 28, 29 and 30 you can test your ability to swim in Vrångös swimming school! If you manage the 200 m, where 50 should be on you back, you are good to go! You can then get the badge "simborgarmärket", and as our guest, Kajkanten will pay for it.

Lobster premiere

On the first Monday after September 20, lobster fishing starts. If you want to experience this, get to Vrångö to be there when it starts or book our lobster fishing package to join in and fish for lobsters yourself.

Plogga day

Join the junk picker wave that is spreading like wildfire across the world. Now we clean the beaches from caps, plastic bags, ropes and other rubbish that has blown ashore on Vrångö's beaches. We jog, walk or sneak along and pick up litter at the same time. Come join us and make a difference.