Lucka 14 – 14 december Det var en strålande vinterdag på Vrångö, och backen bakom Lotsutkiken var full av barn som tjöt av skratt medan de susade ner på pulkor, madrasser och hemmagjorda snowracers. Längst fram i backen, som...
Window 13 – December 13th The Lucia morning on Vrångö could have been peaceful and full of atmosphere, but inside Kajkanten, chaos reigned. Evelina and Madeleine stood glaring at each other from opposite sides of the room. “I’ve been...
Window 12 – December 12 Krut started muttering about the greatness of glitter, but Berske raised a finger, and the pig fell silent immediately.. “No glitter,” Berske said curtly. “And here’s what we’ll do: we’ll help Grandpa with the...
Window 11 – Dec 11 Håkan pulled the imaginary cloak tighter around himself. Krut padded alongside him, constantly babbling incoherently about “snowball magic” and “gingerbread rituals.” The barn loomed ahead of them, dark and mysterious in the winter evening....
Window 10- Dec 10 When Håkan opened his eyes the next morning, he was no longer the doubting man from yesterday. No, today, he was something entirely different. A hero. A hero on a mission to save Christmas. He...
Window 9 – Dec 9 For a moment nothing was heard, except the crash of something crunchy breaking, and someone chewing. Håkan was convinced that his last moment had come. Then a loud “pop” was heard and then a...
Window 8 – Dec 8 When Håkan opened his eyes in the morning, the first thing he did was look at his snow globe. To his great horror, he saw that it had lost even more of its former...
Window 7 – Dec 7 Håkan woke up with a jolt in the middle of the night. It was pitch black in the room and he quickly pulled the covers up to his nose and looked around the room...
Window 6 – Dec 6 When Håkan climbed down from the ladder, he stood for a while admiring his work. He was just about to go get Evelina and ask if she might have lost her glitter, when Evelina...