Kajkantens sustainability policy

We go further than what laws and regulations require

Kajkanten wants to offer visitors all year round, a unique nature and archipelago experience with limited environmental impact. Kajkanten wants to be the hub in the development of a sustainable tourism industry on Vrångö, which will have “spin-off” effects on other industries on the island. We do not believe that sustainability should only be included as separate activities in our business, but that sustainability should permeate everything we do, and be part of our offer. Our sustainability work goes beyond what is required by laws and regulations. We base our sustainability policy on People, Planet, Profit.

PEOPLE Social Sustainability
We must work for social sustainability in our local area, for staff and for guests. We want our business to benefit the local community and therefore always choose to cooperate with local suppliers and partners as much as possible. We believe that all people have equal value and distance ourselves from all types of discrimination, as employers, entrepreneurs and partners. We are also members of Visita and have a collective agreement to assure our employees that they always have a safe workplace with decent working conditions.

THE PLANET Environmental sustainability
We protect the environment and work continuously to reduce our climate footprint. Environmental work is an ongoing process and we annually set new goals to improve and renew our efforts for a sustainable planet. We aim to keep up with the latest developments and regularly participate in training courses to improve! Our biggest direct environmental impact is derived from our water and energy consumption and our waste management. We therefore strive to reduce our consumption of energy and water and work with waste minimization and source sorting. We use 100% renewable electricity, environmentally friendly products and resource-efficient technology. We measure and monitor our environmental performance regularly, e.g. by measuring our water, electricity and energy consumption. Our environmental impact is also indirectly affected by the purchasing choices we make, and as an example we buy eco-labelled chemicals for cleaning and eco-labelled hygiene products and paper for the rooms. We also buy organic, eco-labelled and seasonal food from our restaurant partners and work to reduce food waste.

PROFIT Financial Sustainability
We want our business to grow and develop, but not at the expense of the environment and society. We take initiatives that promote the environment and society at the same time as it leads to revenue and cost savings for us. We apply sustainability in our business models and create our offers according to our sustainability principles. We protect the world’s resources and reuse the materials we can to extend their life and so that more people can use them.