Beach clean up

Do you want to help clean the beaches? Then PLOGGA is something for you.

Right now we see a great need to make Vrångö’s bays and beaches free of plastic and other things that do not belong in nature. Our oceans are filled annually with tons of trash and 90% of this is plastic. If you want to visit Vrångö and at the same time make an effort for the environment, we welcome you to plow with us. You can plow on your own or as a group with a guide. Paddling to an uninhabited island for beach cleaning can be a great adventure. It is also possible to stay on Vrångö and PLOW in coves and on beaches. We can be of service with a guide and possibly a companion boat.

Cost of guide SEK

An excellent activity in connection with conferences all year round.

We are a Plogga certified company. At regular intervals, we go out and plow along Vrångö’s shores and we also have a recurring collaboration with, among others, the Västkuststiftelsen, the City of Gothenburg, CleanSea and Plogga. Whenever you visit Vrångö, you can pick up a bag from our Ploggis, which is outside the reception. Join the great and popular movement that cleans up the world and become a climate hero too.
Read more about our collaboration with Plogga