Nu testar vi den nya sidan och om översättning funkar bra. Hej och hå. glad dag på Kajkanten. Lördagen den 8 juni välkomnar vi dig på Jubileumsfest! På kvällen blir det spelning med Vrångö Rhapsody, och vi lovar, med detta gäng på scenen kommer hela bryggan att gunga. Gratis entré, det är bara att komma förbi!
During the day, there will be a quiz walk, coffee and viewing of our boat houses. It will also be possible to try several of the activities that we offer our guests such as yoga, kayaking and hot tub on the sauna raft. The Sea Rescue Society, the Maritime Police and the Fire Service are invited to show their boats and you will also be able to meet Björn Källström from Gothenburg’s Marine Biological Laboratory.
We start in the morning and go on all day, welcome to stop by when it suits you!
KAYAK Try sea kayaking with Mattias from Donsö sea kayak.
OPEN RELAXATION FLAT with sauna and hot tub
VIEW of Kajkanten’s boathouses
THE SWEDISH TOURIST ASSOCIATION inspires and informs about traveling in Sweden
YOGA with Emma at 11 & at 2 pm outside Kajkanten
WELCOME ABOARD! In the harbor there will be several exciting boats that will receive for viewing!
PLOW Map, tools and bags and small instructions for those who want.
The day ends with a gig in the harbor outside Kajkanten, everyone is welcome and entry is free. Then there will be a party and live music
For most activities, drop-in applies, and if you want to take part in Yoga, come early, as there are a limited number of places
Here you can read more about everyone who contributed to the implementation of our anniversary party:
Donsö sea kayak
Emma from Embodied leadership
Björn Källström from Gothenburg’s Marine Biological Laboratory
Ola from Donsö conference
Vrångö Transport
Vrångö Rhapsody
57° Nord
Börjessons sjötaxi
Turistrådet Västsverige
In June 2014, Kajkanten was ready and Håkan Karlsten and Jörgen & Anna Gerdrup could welcome their first guests. In recent years, Kajkanten has been able to offer groups and individuals more packages with archipelago experiences and has deepened the ongoing sustainability work. A big thank you to everyone who contributed to Kajkanten being able to develop its business to what we are today.